Sunday, 8 March 2009

Mandelson slime attacker arrested

Legitimate political protest against the third runway at Heathrow, or criminal act? Technically it's assault, so should the police have arrested Leila Deen of Plane Stupid ?

Views please!


  1. I think that she should not be prosecuted but should be arrested. this way justice is 'shown to be being done' and it is clear to the public that this kind of action is not tolerated but given the circumstances I believe the public would be against the prosecution of Leila Deen.
    In her mind she probably didn't see it as anything that bad but she just wanted to get her views across and by doing this she has certainly succeeded as the media are obviously going to cover this story.

    Declan Campbell

  2. It was right to arrest her as she did commit a criminal offence. But i dont think she will be charged as she will have lot of backing over her actions. She did what she belived was right to get her point across.

  3. She should be arrested because it is an assault and in the cup can contain any dangerous substance such as acid. If she want to protest, she should have done it peacefully and not committing crime to get your point to the person.

  4. I don't think Leila should have been arrested as he probably wouldn't have caused any physical injuries to the MP and shouldn't be classed as assault, although I think she should have been cautioned for inappropriate behaviour towards the MP as she did have a point but didn't have to get it across in such a way.

  5. i dont think that she should be arrested as shes doing what she thinks is right and she done it in the interest of the wider public. Shes just protecting her beliefs.

  6. My opinion is that she should be arrested because what she did can be counted as a criminal offence. Also despite her only throwing custard it could have been something much more serious. If she is arrested it will also set an example that this type of behaviour is unacceptable.

  7. I think that the police were right to arrest Leila Deen because assault is assault and there are other ways of going about putting across a point of view. Eventhough i do not totally disagree with what Leila Dean has done and it was pretty amusing.

  8. i dont think that she should be arrested as she done what she thought was right and is supporting her beliefs.

  9. I personally believe that the main issue that this represents is that goverment is failing society in some respects in the way that people have to go to these sort of lenghs in order to get thier opinion across and maybe the goverment should be more open to listen to peoples opinion after all they are supposed to be represnting the genral public.

    However assault is assault and therefore she should be charged as we dont want it to be seen as acceptable to assault members of parliment.

  10. Weelll i think the defedant has expressed her views quite strongly...for change to occur then there must be a force to make it shift.
    Her behaviour was amusing...but yet still helped her achieve what she wanted to state...."green slime".
    however to set an example to the public...a small slap on the arresting her, could be used as general detterence.

  11. It seems that freedom of speech comes at the price of being arrested. It could be argued that Deen went a little too far but she didn't seem to do any physical harm to Mandelson and she managed to create a lot of publicity for her cause. Perhaps a caution would have been more suitable.
    - Natalie S.

  12. I think it was a good thing that Leila Deen threw custard on Lord Mandelson as it created a lot of interest on the subject of the third runway at Heathrow.
    I don't think Leila should have been arrested as if this happened to two average people on the street, i doubt that someone would be arrested over it, even if it is an assault.

    Sarah Lapsley

  13. In my opinion she did commit a criminal offenve but however should not have been arrested as the purpose for her actions was worth it. She wanted to get attention for her cause, and did this in the intrest of the public. She should not get a serious sentence.

  14. I think that the police were not right for arresting Leila Deen for sliming Lord Mandleson as it was not in the best instrests of the public to prosecute her, she was making a statement, and expressing public opinion. The act was not harmful or dangerous.

  15. I do not think she should be arrested, as she was acting in the best interests of the public by bringing attention of a third runway at Heathrow. This opened the public eye by demonstrating in a different way to get her point across. Nobody was hurt, which is important.
    Sarah Wilson

  16. In my opinion, she didn't commit any offences, therefore her aresst wasn't necessary. she was only an extremist protester who was only expressing her frustration with the decisions Lord Mandeldon had decided to propose.


  17. The action of Leila Deen of the Plane Stupid pressure Group were absolutely outrageous and definately warrant some form of sanction to be imposed, it was just a shock she was able to walk out of there as if she hadn't done anything. Admittedly. it may have put the pressure group in the news along with the issue, however the way in which it has been done can't be condone. Pressure groups such as Plane Stupid , can't be allowed to use extreme measures to put across their points of views, and Leila Deen should be sanctioned harshly to denounce such behaviour aswell as to deter such actions in the future.

  18. Brown an unelected and unpopular leader who refuses to budge. And Mandy, one of his corrupt cronies deserved every second of the sliming and more. This girl knew the consequences of her actions. She was prepared to accept responsibility under the laws of this land, and stood up for what she believed in which I might not agree with but is a noble cause. Now how many politicians can boast this? Nothing has changed since the suffragettes were doing things like this. At least this was amusing.

  19. She did commit a criminal offence but she was standing up for her beliefs and although what she did was wrong if it stops the building of third runway then it may outweigh the consequences if the thrird runway is bad. She has publicised her opinion and therefore will get more backing and if she is imprisoned then their may be more protests.

  20. She committed an offence therefore she should have been arrested, she tried to act in the interest of the public however what she did was still wrong and she should be prosecuted.

    luke g

  21. She did commint a criminal offence so should be arrested.
    Tom Proctor

  22. i believe that leia dean shouldnt be procecuted as acts of food being thrown over people occurs everyday in schools and people are not procecuted for assault.

    i beleieve on the other hand the fact that i am saying it happeneds in our schools which has childeren from 3-16 commiting these acts, and this is a fully grown woman doing this is very imature.
    other than the fact the woman should act her age she hasnt commited a crime in my eyes, more of a political statement.

  23. She commited a crime so she should be arrested however as it was in protest i believe she should not get a form of punishment.


  24. In my opinion, she shouldn't have been arrested as no one was harmed and it wasn't a serious offence. It seems that because Mandelson is an MP, the fact that Leila Deen threw custard on him is shown to be a lot worse than if it was a random citizen. Although, it shows to her and the public that what she did was wrong.

    Janine Pancaro

  25. I think that she should be arrested because it set an example of what people shouldn't do


  26. Is it really in the public interest to prosecute her? How much is it going to cost?
    Try going to your local police station and telling them someone threw custard on you and you want them arrested, and the CPS to charge them, it just wouldn't make sense.

  27. I think she should be prosecuted as what she did was a crime....and regardless of why she did it...and regardless of if she was right or wrong to do it...a crime is a crime...and she could have used other ways to protest rather then throwing harmfull green custard at a respectable MP..... :)

    Adam Ahmed

  28. Its a funny incident in most ways but its not very amusing to the person on the receiving end! However she could get prosecuted but its not in the best interests of the courts to waste time on such a immaterial type of incident. yes its not acceptable but shouldn't be dwelled on for along time.

  29. Is it really in the public interest to prosecute her? How much is it going to cost?
    Try going to your local police station and telling them someone threw custard on you and you want them arrested, and the CPS to charge them, it just wouldn't make sense.


Please keep comments appropriate and sensible! Thanks.