Thursday 16 October 2008

Training just got harder for would-be barristers (but easier for solicitors)

...says the Times today. Great stuff in here to throw into an exam answer on problems of training - good for A02 points!

AS students - read the article and answer the following questions for your file on the legal profession:

1. What is being proposed to "weed out" some people who want to do the BVC?
2. What did Derek Wood's reports say about the standards of some current BVC programmes?
3. In a given year, how many graduates are competing for how many pupillages according to the article, and how many places are there in percentage terms?
4. What will the revamped BVC be called?
5. What do you think the impact of these changes will be on students from disadvantaged backgrounds?
6. What measures are coming in to make it easier to qualify as a solicitor?

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